The Nest

Have you ever wanted your own dice try that can double as a gameplay organizer? Well then have your dice and games roost in the Blue Heron Nest or Nest and Lid!
Only 6 inches by 6 inches with a patented design, the Nest is a perfect size for trips, bars, and game stores where space is limited and can also make sure that you keep your play space organized. You can also store your organization you can put a lid on and take it to go with the Nest and Lid!
Material: ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) Plastic filament
Made in Washington State.
Designed by our own Trevor Harron, the Nest is designed to help players keep their play area organized in Tabletop RPGs as well with games that have a lot of components to them. Roll dice in the central hexagon, store remaining dice in the four side compartments, or use your Nest to keep game pieces from being scattered and in easy reach for all players. The Nest is a great addition for any RPG gamer or tabletop player!